Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Richard Gere... so hot, it's ridiculous. How does a man, who is the definition of sexy in his youth, possibly get sexier as he ages?? It baffles the mind.

Hi, My Name is Annie

Hi. My Name is Annie, or Annierocks on Twitter, and I...ahem...have a Twitter problem. For me, there's never just one twitter. I have a short attention span, I'm easily bored and it's just so accessible. I can twitter from my PDA in my purse without anyone even seeing me holding a device. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and check twitter. Sometimes I'm out with family and friends and I want more, I covet twitter contact - so I twitter with a group of people THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW EXIST.

I have decided to try to rehabilitate myself from this addiction, by starting this blog. When I feel the need to overshare personal information or shoot random thoughts out to masses of people via twitter, instead, I'm going to dump them here. I'm going to stop pushing. Give people the option to pull, instead.

I hear that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.

Hi, my name is Annie, and I'm addicted to Twitter.